33. The First Night

"Aiyah... ... Aiyah... ..."

"很痛ah... ... 死liao... 死liao... ..."


"Oei! 死Ah-mo不要吵lah!"

"Jed. 对hor."

They had not been hit. Instead, the each of the chains that originally bound them to each other have been shattered. He had not intended to shoot them after all.


"我厉害er! 他打不到我er!" Ah-mo added.

The cold prison door slamed home, locking the two in the cold hard prison cell for the night. And then Ah-mo remembered.

"死Ah-moe! 要打我ah? 打不到er! Humph! 你笨er!"

"死Ah-mo! 我故意的hor! Erm... 要distract那个guard mah... KHOOR HEEW... KHOOR HEEW..."

"Jed... 死Ah-moe..."

After such a long day, even though he had to endure the thunderous snoring, the relatively young Plutonian also drifted off to dreamland on the icy floor soon after.

(Footnote: Ah-moe had a reputation for being the loudest snorer known. His home on Pluto was specially designed to be soundproof, by the request of nearby houses. His snores were real, although it sounded as if it was faked and unnatural. No one could explain such a phenomenom yet. But in this case, it's hard to discern if it's real.)