50. Tackle!
Ah-moe raced out of the medical facility like a mad dog after the frantically running AH-mo, who just ran past the medical wing. Running as fast as he could, Ah-moe drew close and pounced on the oncoming Ah-mo, knocking him flat onto the ground.
"死Ah-moe! 你追我做什么??"
“你跑mah! 你跑, 我就追lor!"
"Jed! 很好玩, 是不是?!"
As they stopped and stared into the vast open sky above them, it made them realise how small they really are in comparison to the entire universe. And this is not where they rightfully belong. They need to get out. Peering at the rare clouds in the dull sky of evening time, Ah-moe couldn't stand it any longer. He needed to get out. To retrieve his "real" identity.
"死Ah-moe! 你追我做什么??"
“你跑mah! 你跑, 我就追lor!"
"Jed! 很好玩, 是不是?!"
As they stopped and stared into the vast open sky above them, it made them realise how small they really are in comparison to the entire universe. And this is not where they rightfully belong. They need to get out. Peering at the rare clouds in the dull sky of evening time, Ah-moe couldn't stand it any longer. He needed to get out. To retrieve his "real" identity.
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