12. Ah-mo the Pitch-fork

"死Ah-mo! 我来拔掉你的头发er!"

"Pok!" as Ah-moe pulled out one of Ah-mo's hair and started to bite.

"Aiyah!!!!" Ah-moe screamed.

And Ah-moe's tooth nearly broke.

For Ah-mo, it had a rather peculiar result. The three strands of hair left actually became straight and rigid, even harder than steel. The hairs were pointing straight up, parallel to each other, each had grown about 4 inches tall, and quarter of an inch thick. Apart from being solid as steel, these three strands of hair will grow back within seconds after they are plucked, a unique ability Ah-mo gained from eating Ah-moe hair. Very much like Ah-moe, such a hairstyle of Ah-mo is permenant, making him look like a walking pitch-fork...


"Humph!" Ah-mo jeered in return, not knowing what it's all about, oblivious that another hair has already completely grown back on his head...

(Footnote: Confused? Well... You should be. Because what you have just read is one of the most bizzare cases of Pluto magic that has been cast unintentionally. Plutonian hair is generally similar to human hair. Yet in the case of the three remaining hairs of Ah-mo, they have strangely acquired the strength and length of all the other Plutonian hair that he had just eaten. Somehow magically, they grew in size. and spaced themselves equidistant from one another, forming a symmetrical pattern on Ah-mo's head...)