20. Rescued
"'ey 'ey 'ey, Ms... erm... Valibaa, yer ain't s'posed be 'ere ma'am!" the police officer in anti-terrorist wear barked, reading off the name tag pinned on Ah-mui's uniform -- "Amurudia Munneru Valibaa". She sure didn't look like a Ms Valibaa, he thought to himself, but inter-racial marriages are getting really common these days.
"And s'body get that trash can off her!" pointing to Ah-pui, looking very ridiculous with a metal bin over her head, banging into walls and trying to grab anything within her grasp.
"Men! Get these civilians outta 'ere! We 'ave got terrorists to deal with!"
The armed men stormed the room and escorted Ah-mui and Ah-pui out of the room. Ah-moo had remained rigid and refused to budge, and had to be carried out, amidst his mumblings of "I'm still a plant... I'm still a plant...".
They darted along the corridor, and the men shoved them into an empty room, and slammed the door behind them.
"Stay 'ere! And don't come out until we say so!"
And the soldiers completely forgot about them soon after.
"And s'body get that trash can off her!" pointing to Ah-pui, looking very ridiculous with a metal bin over her head, banging into walls and trying to grab anything within her grasp.
"Men! Get these civilians outta 'ere! We 'ave got terrorists to deal with!"
The armed men stormed the room and escorted Ah-mui and Ah-pui out of the room. Ah-moo had remained rigid and refused to budge, and had to be carried out, amidst his mumblings of "I'm still a plant... I'm still a plant...".
They darted along the corridor, and the men shoved them into an empty room, and slammed the door behind them.
"Stay 'ere! And don't come out until we say so!"
And the soldiers completely forgot about them soon after.
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