26. The Naming of Ah-moe

"Officer, what do we have so far?"

"Not much sir, I onli know his name: Hoo Ah-mo. Hospital dun wan to say anything. Hear these people are aliens."

"Not difficult to tell, they don't look like they're locals. Must have been in a great hurry to cross the borders; no papers, no id, no money, no luggage. Let's see if our neighbour wants to claim them... Get the other's particulars won't you?"

"Har?..." the officer was confused, not quite getting what the superintendent was saying. His superior had thought they were illegal immigrants.

As the interrogator led Ah-mo out, they bypassed Ah-moe's holding room. He was in the midst of wrestling 3 muscular policemen, tugging at their hair, trying to see what it was made of. Or rather, he was being overpowered by them. One of the policemen had somehow managed to turn him over and was doing a sharpshooter hold on him, while the other two did arm-locks on each of his arms. Still being slightly empowered by Pluto magic, Ah-moe now still had a high level of strength, and could only be contained this way.

"Oei! 笨Ah-moe, 我懂password liao er... 我可以走liao er! 我聪明er! 你笨er!" Ah-mo gleefully shouted at Ah-moe who was obviously grimacing in pain.

"死Ah-mo, 你快点跟我讲hor? 不然我把你的secret讲出来er..."

"不管er... 不要跟你讲er..."

"死Ah-mo... 我讲liao ah... 很久以前..."

"Jed.... OK lah, OK lah... 我跟你讲... Password是'Whooo arrrre mo!'"

The interrogator had not understood what the bellowing between the two people meant and shoved Ah-mo along. Minutes later, he was back to deal with Ah-moe...

"Dun play play with me hor, tell me who are ..."

Ah-moe jumped at the que of "whooo arrrre" and immediately shouted "WHOOO ARRRRE MO! Eeeee... " He ended with a smirk on his face, with a loud grin while making an "E" sound, his unique way of grinning. He felt he had done the smartest thing ever in his life.

"Rite... Hoo Ah-Mo-E... Makes sense... You two must be related... Aiyah... So lehchey to write... Hoo Ah-moe can liao lah..." the interrogator said as he crossed out the name he had scribbled and replaced it with "Hoo Ah-moe".

(Footnote: The word-phrase "lehchey" means 麻烦 or troublesome.)